API Reference
Plans API
The plans API allows you to create, modify and examine recurring billing plans.
POST /plans
Creates a new plan and returns its details.
name | The plan name |
amount | The amount to charge in the currency’s base unit (e.g. cents for AUD, yen for JPY). There is a minimum charge amount for each currency; refer to the documentation on supported currencies. |
currency |
The three-character ISO 4217 currency code of one of our supported currencies, e.g. AUD or USD .
Default value is
interval | The interval between each subsequent charge made to the customer during the period of subscription. This is an integral value that is interpreted in units specified via the interval_unit parameter. |
interval_unit | The unit of measure applied to the interval amount. Valid units are day, week, month, or year. |
Optional intervals | The number of intervals before a subscription is automatically cancelled. Default 0 (no limit). |
Optional setup_amount | The amount the customer will be charged in the currency's base unit at the start of the first full interval. Default value is 0 (no setup fee). |
Optional trial_amount | The amount the customer will be charged in the currency's base unit upon initiating a trial of this plan. Default value is 0 (no trial / free trial). |
Optional trial_interval | The interval between the start of a trial period and beginning of the paid subscription proper. Default value is 0 (no trial). |
Optional trial_interval_unit | The unit of measure applied to the trial_interval amount. Valid units are day, week, month, or year. Default value is an empty string. |
Optional customer_permissions | An array of permissions the customer is allowed to perform. At present this must be an empty array or an array containing "cancel". Default value is ["cancel"]. |
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/plans -u your-secret-api-key: \
-d "name=Coffee Plan" \
-d "amount=1000" \
-d "currency=USD" \
-d "interval=30" \
-d "interval_unit=day" \
-d "intervals=6" \
-d "setup_amount=0" \
-d "trial_amount=0" \
-d "trial_interval=7" \
-d "trial_interval_unit=day" \
-d "customer_permissions[]=cancel"
"response": {
"name": "Coffee Plan",
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "USD",
"setup_amount": 0,
"trial_amount": 0,
"interval": 30,
"interval_unit": "day",
"intervals": 6,
"trial_interval": 7,
"trial_interval_unit": "day",
"created_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"token": "plan_ZyDee4HNeUHFHC4SpM2idg",
"customer_permissions": [
"subscription_counts": {
"trial": 0,
"active": 0,
"cancelling": 0,
"cancelled": 0
Error Responses
422 | unprocessable_entity |
GET /plans
Returns a paginated list of all plans.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/plans -u your-secret-api-key:
"response": [
"name": "Coffee Plan",
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "USD",
"setup_amount": 0,
"trial_amount": 0,
"interval": 30,
"interval_unit": "day",
"intervals": 0,
"trial_interval": 7,
"trial_interval_unit": "day",
"created_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"token": "plan_ZyDee4HNeUHFHC4SpM2idg",
"customer_permissions": [
"subscription_counts": {
"trial": 0,
"active": 0,
"cancelling": 0,
"cancelled": 0
"pagination": {
"count": 1,
"per_page": 25,
"current": 1
GET /plans/plan-token
Returns the details of a specified plan.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/plans/plan_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg -u your-secret-api-key:
"response": {
"name": "Coffee Plan",
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "USD",
"setup_amount": 0,
"trial_amount": 0,
"interval": 30,
"interval_unit": "day",
"intervals": 0,
"trial_interval": 7,
"trial_interval_unit": "day",
"created_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"token": "plan_ZyDee4HNeUHFHC4SpM2idg",
"customer_permissions": [
"subscription_counts": {
"trial": 0,
"active": 0,
"cancelling": 0,
"cancelled": 0
Error Responses
404 | not_found |
PUT /plans/plan-token
Update the specified plan.
Optional name | The plan name |
Optional customer_permissions | An array of permissions the customer is allowed to perform. At present this must be an empty array or an array containing "cancel". Default value is ["cancel"]. |
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/plans/plan_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg -u your-secret-api-key: -X PUT \
-d "name=Updated Coffee Plan" \
-d "customer_permissions[]=cancel"
"response": {
"name": "Updated Coffee Plan",
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "USD",
"setup_amount": 0,
"trial_amount": 0,
"interval": 30,
"interval_unit": "day",
"intervals": 0,
"trial_interval": 7,
"trial_interval_unit": "day",
"created_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"token": "plan_ZyDee4HNeUHFHC4SpM2idg",
"customer_permissions": [
"subscription_counts": {
"trial": 0,
"active": 0,
"cancelling": 0,
"cancelled": 0
Error Responses
404 | not_found |
422 | unprocessable_entity |
DELETE /plans/plan-token
Deletes a plan and all of its subscriptions. You will not be able to recover this. Plans can only be deleted if they have no running subscriptions.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/plans/plan_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg -u your-secret-api-key: -X DELETE
No Content
No response body.
Error Responses
400 | cannot_delete_plan |
404 | not_found |
POST /plans/plan-token/subscriptions
Creates a new subscription to the specified plan
customer_token | The token of the customer to be subscribed, as returned from the customers API. |
Optional card_token | A card token belonging to the customer that will be charged for this subscription. If omitted the customer's default card is charged. |
Optional include_setup_fee |
Whether the setup fee should be applied to this subscription.
Default value is
true .
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/plans/plan_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg/subscriptions -u your-secret-api-key: \
-d "customer_token=cus_XZg1ULpWaROQCOT5PdwLkQ" \
-d "card_token=card_nytGw7koRg23EEp9NTmz9w" \
-d "include_setup_fee=false"
"response": {
"state": "active",
"next_billing_date": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"active_interval_started_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"active_interval_finishes_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"cancelled_at": null,
"created_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"token": "sub_bZWXhTzHooKpk9FZjQfzqQ",
"plan_token": "plan_ZyDee4HNeUHFHC4SpM2idg",
"customer_token": "cus_XZg1ULpWaROQCOT5PdwLkQ",
"card_token": "card_nytGw7koRg23EEp9NTmz9w"
Error Responses
404 | not_found |
GET /plans/plan-token/subscriptions
Returns a paginated list of subscriptions for a plan
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/plans/plan_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg/subscriptions -u your-secret-api-key:
"response": [
"state": "active",
"next_billing_date": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"active_interval_started_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"active_interval_finishes_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"cancelled_at": null,
"created_at": "2025-03-28T06:03:18Z",
"token": "sub_bZWXhTzHooKpk9FZjQfzqQ",
"plan_token": "plan_ZyDee4HNeUHFHC4SpM2idg",
"customer_token": "cus_XZg1ULpWaROQCOT5PdwLkQ",
"card_token": "card_nytGw7koRg23EEp9NTmz9w"
"count": 1,
"pagination": {
"count": 1,
"per_page": 25,
"current": 1
Error Responses
404 | not_found |