API Reference
Authorisations API Beta
The authorisations API allows you to create new payment card authorisations and retrieve details of previous authorisations.
POST /authorisations
Creates a new authorisation and returns its details. This may be a long-running request.
The email address of the purchaser. | |
description |
A description of the item purchased (e.g. 500g of single origin beans ).
amount | The amount to authorise in the currency’s base unit (e.g. cents for AUD, yen for JPY). |
ip_address | The IP address of the person submitting the payment. |
Optional currency |
The three-character ISO 4217 currency code of one of our supported currencies, e.g. AUD or USD .
Default value is
Optional reference | A custom text string which will be displayed in place of the default descriptor on the customer's bank statement. |
Optional metadata |
Arbitrary key-value data to be associated with the authorisation.{...}
A metadata item is composed of a key (a string with a maximum length of 50 characters) and a value (a string with a maximum length of 500 characters).
You can supply up to 25 metadata items per authorisation. Pin Payments does not display metadata to your customers.
and one of the following:
card |
The full details of the payment card to be authorised {...} .
See the cards API for a description of each card parameter.
card_token | The token of the card to be authorised, as returned from the cards API or customers API. |
customer_token | The token of the customer to be authorised, as returned from the customers API. |
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/authorisations -u your-secret-api-key: \
-d "amount=400" \
-d "currency=AUD" \
-d "description=test authorisation" \
-d "email=roland@pinpayments.com" \
-d "ip_address=" \
-d "card[number]=5520000000000000" \
-d "card[expiry_month]=05" \
-d "card[expiry_year]=2026" \
-d "card[cvc]=123" \
-d "card[name]=Roland Robot" \
-d "card[address_line1]=42 Sevenoaks St" \
-d "card[address_line2]=" \
-d "card[address_city]=Lathlain" \
-d "card[address_postcode]=6454" \
-d "card[address_state]=WA" \
-d "card[address_country]=Australia" \
-d "metadata[OrderNumber]=123456" \
-d "metadata[CustomerName]=Roland Robot"
"response": {
"token": "auth_NRzYklT8z3p0yiozsXEAIg",
"success": true,
"amount": 400,
"amount_captured": 0,
"amount_remaining": 400,
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "test authorisation",
"email": "roland@pinpayments.com",
"ip_address": "",
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"status_message": "Success",
"error_message": null,
"card": {
"token": "card_pIQJKMs93GsCc9vLSLevbw",
"scheme": "master",
"display_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000",
"issuing_country": "AU",
"expiry_month": 5,
"expiry_year": 2026,
"name": "Roland Robot",
"address_line1": "42 Sevenoaks St",
"address_line2": "",
"address_city": "Lathlain",
"address_postcode": "6454",
"address_state": "WA",
"address_country": "Australia",
"network_type": null,
"network_format": null,
"customer_token": null,
"primary": null
"settlement_currency": "AUD",
"expired": false,
"voided": false,
"voided_at": null,
"capturable": true,
"metadata": {
"OrderNumber": "123456",
"CustomerName": "Roland Robot"
Error Responses
422 | invalid_resource |
400 | card_declined |
400 | insufficient_funds |
400 | processing_error |
400 | suspected_fraud |
400 | expired_card |
400 | lost_card |
400 | stolen_card |
502 | gateway_error |
PUT /authorisations/auth-token/void
Voids a previously created authorisation and returns its details. This will return the reserved funds to the cardholder, and capture will no longer be possible.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/authorisations/auth_NRzYklT8z3p0yiozsXEAIg/void -u your-secret-api-key: -X PUT
"response": {
"token": "auth_NRzYklT8z3p0yiozsXEAIg",
"success": true,
"amount": 400,
"amount_captured": 0,
"amount_remaining": 400,
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "test authorisation",
"email": "roland@pinpayments.com",
"ip_address": "",
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"status_message": "Authorisation Voided",
"error_message": null,
"card": {
"token": "card_pIQJKMs93GsCc9vLSLevbw",
"scheme": "master",
"display_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000",
"issuing_country": "AU",
"expiry_month": 5,
"expiry_year": 2026,
"name": "Roland Robot",
"address_line1": "42 Sevenoaks St",
"address_line2": "",
"address_city": "Lathlain",
"address_postcode": "6454",
"address_state": "WA",
"address_country": "Australia",
"network_type": null,
"network_format": null,
"customer_token": null,
"primary": null
"settlement_currency": "AUD",
"expired": false,
"voided": true,
"voided_at": "2023-06-20T03:11:49Z",
"capturable": false,
"metadata": {
"OrderNumber": "123456",
"CustomerName": "Roland Robot"
Error Responses
400 | authorisation_expired |
400 | already_voided |
400 | already_captured |
400 | bad_authorisation |
POST /authorisations/auth-token/charges
Captures the authorised funds and returns details of the charge.
amount | The amount to authorise in the currency’s base unit (e.g. cents for AUD, yen for JPY). |
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/authorisations/auth_NRzYklT8z3p0yiozsXEAIg/charges -u your-secret-api-key: \
-d "amount=250"
"response": {
"token": "ch_IA-dSSgBc59DDWOp0Y9Xcw",
"success": true,
"amount": 250,
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "test authorisation",
"email": "roland@pinpayments.com",
"ip_address": "",
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"status_message": "Success",
"error_message": null,
"card": {
"token": "card_pIQJKMs93GsCc9vLSLevbw",
"scheme": "master",
"display_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000",
"issuing_country": "AU",
"expiry_month": 5,
"expiry_year": 2026,
"name": "Roland Robot",
"address_line1": "42 Sevenoaks St",
"address_line2": "",
"address_city": "Lathlain",
"address_postcode": "6454",
"address_state": "WA",
"address_country": "Australia",
"network_type": null,
"network_format": null,
"customer_token": null,
"primary": null
"transfer": [],
"amount_refunded": 0,
"total_fees": 34,
"merchant_entitlement": 216,
"refund_pending": false,
"authorisation_token": "auth_NRzYklT8z3p0yiozsXEAIg",
"authorisation_expired": false,
"authorisation_voided": false,
"captured": true,
"captured_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"settlement_currency": "AUD",
"active_chargebacks": false,
"metadata": {
"OrderNumber": "123456",
"CustomerName": "Roland Robot"
Error Responses
422 | invalid_resource |
400 | authorisation_expired |
400 | already_captured |
400 | bad_authorisation |
GET /authorisations
Returns a paginated list of all authorisations.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/authorisations -u your-secret-api-key:
"response": [
"token": "auth_NRzYklT8z3p0yiozsXEAIg",
"success": true,
"amount": 400,
"amount_captured": 0,
"amount_remaining": 400,
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "test authorisation",
"email": "roland@pinpayments.com",
"ip_address": "",
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"status_message": "Success",
"error_message": null,
"card": {
"token": "card_pIQJKMs93GsCc9vLSLevbw",
"scheme": "master",
"display_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000",
"issuing_country": "AU",
"expiry_month": 5,
"expiry_year": 2026,
"name": "Roland Robot",
"address_line1": "42 Sevenoaks St",
"address_line2": "",
"address_city": "Lathlain",
"address_postcode": "6454",
"address_state": "WA",
"address_country": "Australia",
"network_type": null,
"network_format": null,
"customer_token": null,
"primary": null
"settlement_currency": "AUD",
"expired": false,
"voided": false,
"voided_at": null,
"capturable": true,
"metadata": {
"OrderNumber": "123456",
"CustomerName": "Roland Robot"
"count": 1,
"pagination": {
"current": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"per_page": 25,
"pages": 1,
"count": 1
GET /authorisation/auth-token
Returns the details of a authorisation.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/authorisations/auth_NRzYklT8z3p0yiozsXEAIg -u your-secret-api-key:
"response": {
"token": "auth_NRzYklT8z3p0yiozsXEAIg",
"success": true,
"amount": 400,
"amount_captured": 0,
"amount_remaining": 400,
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "test authorisation",
"email": "roland@pinpayments.com",
"ip_address": "",
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"status_message": "Success",
"error_message": null,
"card": {
"token": "card_pIQJKMs93GsCc9vLSLevbw",
"scheme": "master",
"display_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000",
"issuing_country": "AU",
"expiry_month": 5,
"expiry_year": 2026,
"name": "Roland Robot",
"address_line1": "42 Sevenoaks St",
"address_line2": "",
"address_city": "Lathlain",
"address_postcode": "6454",
"address_state": "WA",
"address_country": "Australia",
"network_type": null,
"network_format": null,
"customer_token": null,
"primary": null
"settlement_currency": "AUD",
"expired": false,
"voided": false,
"voided_at": null,
"capturable": true,
"metadata": {
"OrderNumber": "123456",
"CustomerName": "Roland Robot"
Error Responses
404 | not_found |