Don't pay the price for accepting card payments.
You can now automatically pass on transaction fees to customers who choose to pay your Xero invoices with their credit or debit card.
Some business owners decide not to allow their customers to pay invoices by card due to the fees incurred. This new feature allows you to apply a surcharge to the invoice amount so that your customer pays the card transaction fee and you receive full payment of the invoice. This is particularly helpful if you’re invoicing large amounts; you can control your business costs and won’t feel like you’re impacted by additional fees where your customer chooses to pay with card.
When choosing to enable this feature, Pin Payments automatically calculates the fee amount and adds this to the total invoice that your customer pays, so it’s clear and simple for you and your customer.
By automatically calculating the exact amount, we protect you from the recent regulation changes introduced by the ACCC, that could expose you to penalties if you apply a surcharge for any more than the transaction fee amount.
If you’re already a customer, read our guide to see how easy it is to pass on the surcharge. Otherwise, sign up to Pin Payments today to take advantage of this great feature.