Managing your PCI compliance
Using a particular payment provider, or a feature offered by a payment provider doesn’t automatically qualify you as being PCI-DSS compliant. Whilst they can help minimise the work and cost involved at your end you still need to follow the necessary certification process.
Do I need to be PCI compliant?
If you accept credit or debit cards from your customers, then you’re required to be PCI compliant. Unless you’re processing more than 6 million transactions per year you’re able to follow one of the Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) certification processes.
How Pin Payments can help
Pin Payments can assist so that sensitive card data never touches your servers. If you’re integrating our Hosted Fields interface, or using any of the payment tools accessible from within your Pin Payments dashboard, then you can qualify for the 4-page SAQ A versus the more in-depth 40-page SAQ A-EP.
If you never handle credit card data directly, in many cases your completed SAQ coupled with Pin Payments' PCI Level 1 status can adequately attest to your organisations’s PCI compliance.